Ellie Blackburn leads the Western Bulldogs out onto the field during round six, 2023. Picture: AFL Photos

ELLIE Blackburn says she will keep leading by example despite losing the Western Bulldogs captaincy, but is anticipating a freer version of herself on the field after a tough 2023.

In July, the Bulldogs made the decision to elect Deanna Berry as skipper under new coach Tam Hyett following Blackburn's six seasons in charge.

Blackburn said the transition had been a "challenging" one, but was quick to praise her replacement as skipper. 

"It's obviously been quite a challenging process, in a way, handing over the reins. Deanna's been amazing with it though, I will say. She's incredible, she's a great leader, a wonderful human being and her and I have a great connection," Blackburn told AFL.com.au's The W Show.

"I think it's probably more so for me, adjusting to what the role looks like and what my role in the team looks like. [It's] transitioning from being that person that has predominantly that voice, the bigger voice amongst the group, and allowing Deanna the space to have her space and have her voice."


The Western Bulldogs won just one of 10 games last year, the victory coming in the penultimate round of the season, a campaign Blackburn concedes now took a toll on her.

"I think as [this] season goes on, it potentially does allow me the opportunity to take a step back and not be so involved in it. I think last year, I was very involved in each outcome that presented itself throughout the season," Blackburn said.

"It took a real emotional and mental toll on me, I would say, so allowing myself to take a step back and just be a footballer and not having to worry about the captaincy title, might be a nice opportunity for me to play a bit more freer football. 

"On-field, I'm going to keep being myself and keep trying to lead and play the football I would naturally play. It's something that regardless of a title, you can't take that away from me."


Blackburn only has a small sample size of life under fresh coach Hyett, but has noticed a natural difference in approach after five seasons with Nathan Burke.

"What I've seen Tam able to do is connect with the other coaches and allow them the space to show themselves a little bit more," she said.

"I don't think she feels like she has to be the voice the whole time, and be the one barking instructions as such at us. I think she allows the freedom for the other coaches to step up a little bit more. 

"She's great at building relationships with people, she's great at presenting a new game style and plan and educate us on and off the field, which has been a nice addition to have this year."