Taylah Gatt celebrates a goal during round seven, 2023. Picture: AFL Photos

THEY'RE already a tight-knit team at North Melbourne, but Taylah Gatt's part-time job is bringing them even closer together.

Playing in every game since being drafted to North Melbourne ahead of season seven, 2022, Gatt has become one of the game's premier wingers, known for her hard running and endurance.

But off the field, Gatt takes life at a more leisurely pace, and is often joined by her teammates' dogs.

"I have a little side-hustle, it's a dog-walking business," Gatt told AFL.com.au.

"A few girls in the team are a bit busier than me - Lulu Pullar is a doctor and Nicole Bresnehan works in an office, so their dogs are often just at home during the day.

"So on Wednesdays, we go walking."

The main clients on Gatt's books are Pullar's boxer Thelma and Bresnehan's Bernese mountain dog Boston, and Gatt chronicles the trio's adventures using her business Instagram account, @gattygoeswalking.

"Luckily, both dogs really get along, so I pick them up and we go for a little walk," she said.

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"I'm in a little apartment so I can't have dogs myself, so I'm able to share their dogs. 

"It's really convenient because I'm not working full-time, just part-time work and part-time uni.

"Every now and then I look after Nicole's dog because she's often back home in Tasmania."

Not only is Gatt helping her teammates out, but her Wednesday strolls with the pooches is an important break from the pressure-filled world of football.

"I honestly think it has so many benefits, I just love dogs, and I love walking and exercising," she said.

"It's always good to have something other than footy to keep you sane, it's a bit of an outlet and something I just really enjoy doing."