Please see below Return to Community Football frequently asked questions and answers. Please contact the relevant state / territory contact for more information.
My local oval still has signs up that it is closed and we can’t access?
If your training venue remains closed, you will need to liaise with your local government authority to understand if or when that venue will open. If the venue remains closed, you need to find an alternative training location.
Our oval can accommodate large groups for training, how many people can train there at one time?
Please refer to your State or Territory restrictions that will specify how many people or groups can train on an oval at any one time.
I want to set up the Club BBQ to raise funds for my Club again? Can I do this?
Whether a Club can operate their canteen/kiosk is subject to the specific restrictions in each State/Territory at the time of return to competition. You cannot commence food and beverage sales before you have formal approval from a State or Territory/Local Government to operate F&B outlets.
But how do we make money for our Club if we can’t sell food or alcohol?
We understand that the canteen is a key source of revenue for most clubs and by potentially not having this open has a direct financial impact on Clubs. If we are unable to operate F&B outlets, we must respect this decision and assess the financial impacts.
Can we access our change room and facilities for training?
The AIS Framework recommends that use of change rooms facilities be limited to toilet use only.
Change rooms should remain closed for training except to access toilets if there are no alternative toilet facilities available. Senior teams may also access their medical facilities on a strictly limited basis. Strict social distancing measures must be applied with access to toilets or medical facilities.
The AIS Framework recommends that those attending training should have a thorough full body shower with soap before and after training at home. You should arrive dressed and ready to train/play.
Our team sometimes catches up for drinks after the Match/Training. Can we still do this?
Training must be “get in and get out”. There is to be NO social mingling or activities at any time before or after training or matches.