Please see below Return to Community Football frequently asked questions and answers. Please contact the relevant state / territory contact for more information.
What does Small Group Training mean? How many people can we have at training?
Please refer to your State based protocols for further information on returning to training to understand what this means. Each State and Territory has different restrictions in place. For your region's protocols, please refer to the links to each State website on Toyota AFL Club Help.
Please ensure you refer to the Roadmap and Protocols for your State or Territory at each stage, as there are specific protocols around what training can and can’t consist of in terms of contact and general hygiene and other considerations.
My team has more players than allowed, can we just have a few more attend? Or how do we decide who misses out?
Please refer to your State or Territory training protocols as per the links to each State website on Toyota AFL Club Help. We must strictly comply with the guidelines in place at all times, and we are not able to stretch the limits on attendance, under any circumstances.
Can we use our local clubhouse and gym?
It is recommended that access to clubhouse facilities and gyms is restricted as per your State / Territory Government guidelines. Gyms are not to be accessed until the Government formally announces gyms can re-open. Weights and other training equipment may be used for oval training only. Please note strict hygiene and cleaning protocols apply at all times if you are sharing strength and conditioning equipment.
Our team normally shares the load with fruit and snacks? Can we still do this?
No. At no time can players share any food, snacks, fruit or lollies for example. Similarly, there is strictly no sharing of water bottles.