Dear Saints,

I am writing to thank the staff, coach and players of St Kilda Football Club for our family's football experiences so far in season 2008.

Firstly, congratulations on being NAB Cup Premiers. A superb effort!

My husband has been a Saints supporter for over 30 years, and is so avid that he even managed to convert me to being a Sainter, much to my Bulldogs supporting father's disgust!

Having recently returned from overseas, it wasn't until season 2007 that we began attending games on a consistent basis, and that was the season during which our 10 year old son, Max, became a fanatical Sainter. He keeps stats in the footy record at each game he attends, is learning to identify the players on the ground by their guernsey numbers, and devours any newspaper or internet articles he can lay his eyes on. Reading about the Saints has done wonders for his literacy and enthusiasm for reading, I kid you not. To him, the Saints players are athletes worthy of his adoration!

At the beginning of season 2008, we attended the intra-club match at Moorabbin. It was a terrific event. Seeing Moorabbin buzzing was really heartwarming, and brought back some terrific memories of my husband and I during our courtship, attending matches back in the days when it rained in winter, standing up for hours, and watching Plugger kick a bag of goals. However, the highlight of the intra- club match night by a long shot, was when the players signed autographs. Our eight year old daughter, Samantha, stood on tippy- toes so that Fraser Gehrig could reach down low enough to sign her Saints jumper ... "He's so BIG, Mum!". Our son, Max, was absolutely ecstatic to have the number 35 on his jumper signed by Robert Harvey, and then had a photo taken with him as well. We were just so happy to feel that we were part of the club. The down to earth nature of our club was really brought home to us when a friend who we brought along to the game (she grew up in the USA), stood back watching her children get autographs and kick footballs, and said "There is no way this would ever happen in the US, to get this close to your favourite team would be practically impossible, and if it did happen, it would be once in a lifetime." Her comment really made us stop and think how blessed we are.

Last Wednesday, buoyed by the Saints' round one win against Sydney, Max spent the pocket money he had saved on a new Select Footy Cards album. That afternoon we drove to Linton Street to pick up our members scarves and caps. After a staff member who was passing by voluntarily directed us to the right counter, and the friendly, smiling receptionist gave us our caps and scarves, we returned to the carpark. At that time, it just so happened that Xavier Clarke turned up in his bright red car, and as if that wasn't impressive enough for Max, Xavier obliged by signing the autographs section of the new footy cards album. I was so impressed by Xavier's friendly, polite and encouraging manner to Max, I haven't stopped telling people about it since! After that, Ross Lyon arrived, and also signed Max's folder, with some cheerful conversation and friendly manner. Max was so excited that when we got to his great-grandmother's house half an hour later (she is also a died-in-the-wool Sainter), he hardly had a foot in the door before he was telling her all about his adventure at Linton St.

I say all of the above to say this .. We realise that you are regular people, who happen to be lucky enough to be making a living out of playing, coaching or supporting the great game of AFL, and the St Kilda Football Club. We would like you to know that your efforts do not go unnoticed, and the small things you do such as signing autographs, can really make the day of a young person (and a not so young one too!). The game of football is more than what happens during the four quarter on the ground each week. For our family, it brings discussion, it provides a family outing, it brings Father and Son closer together, it encourages our son to read, it helps our children with their maths by keeping scores and stats, and the list goes on! Your positive actions have a ripple effect.

Thank you all sincerely, and we wish you all the best for a fantastic season ahead.

Go Sainters!!


Rachael Collier.