It’s that mammoth ‘Month of the Moustache’ time again at the Brisbane Lions with November becoming Movember and major sponsor Vodafone becoming Modafone to raise much-needed funds and awareness around the life-threatening male issues of prostate cancer and depression.

All the Vodafone staff and Lions staff have partnered up to show they care through facial hair in the name of charity. ‘Movember Motivator’ Jamie Charman or CharMo is again leading the way with his Number 19 men’s day-spa at Brisbane’s South Bank awaiting any bearded Lions blowouts at the very end of the month.

Also climbing aboard the bearded bandwagon are Triple 8’s TeamVodafone and rugby union’s Queensland Reds. At last count, 30 Lions players and the entire coaching staff had confirmed themselves as beared brothers in arms or ‘Mo Bros’ available for public sponsorship of their facial fashions. However, Leigh Matthews and Robbie ‘Bushie’ Copeland have a flying ‘hair’dstart on the pack.

The pash-rash problem posed for partners is only a small price to pay to support this extremely worthwhile cause so Team Modafone and the Brisbane Lions Mo Bros are asking all members and supporters to get involved and sponsor their favourite player’s moustache by clicking here.

Simply find your favourite participating Lions player on the webpage above, then click on the sponsor button beside their name to pledge your Movember donation.

Needless to say, the players have their reputations on the line here to see who can raise the most money and facial hair over the month ahead.

It should be a mo-mentous month of Movember if last year’s efforts are anything to go by, so please donate your spare change online for hair or be square!