Richmond wants to engage with its loyal fans better than any other club in the land and our digital platforms have become a key focus in recent months.
Not only do these platforms provide a great way for you to stay in touch with all things yellow and black, they also are a great forum for you to shoot the breeze with fellow Tigers.
In the past six months the club’s Facebook site has grown almost five-fold with more than 33,000 fans registered with the site. Our innovative “Jungle” tab on our Facebook page provides an even deeper link to your club.
The Club’s Twitter account has also jumped almost five-fold in the past six months to in excess of 6,000 followers. It is a great source of bite size Tiger news for the avid fan.
The official website will be home to some great new content in 2011. One recent addition has been the capacity for our fans to comment on every news story we post. We want to know what you are thinking and so do your fellow supporters - the comment system at the bottom of each story is an easy way to do just that.
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