Travis Cloke is going to use the next two weeks to earn back the respect of his coaches and teammates, after accepting a two-match suspension with an early plea from the Match Review Panel

Cited for striking Port Adelaide's Travis Boak in the first quarter of Friday night’s win at AAMI Stadium, Cloke immediately regretted the incident and will look to turn the ban into a positive heading into the club's finals campaign.

“I let my emotions boil over and I regret my action on the field,” Cloke told after accepting the early plea.

“I have let down my team and I wish I could take back those few seconds.”

It’s just the second time in Cloke’s six seasons at the club that he will be forced to miss a game from sanctions handed down by the Match Review Panel.  In 2008, the 23-year-old received a one-match ban for striking Carlton’s Michael Jamison.

The 2007 Copeland Trophy
winner stressed that he will be doing everything he can, off the field, to assist his team over the next two games.

“I will no doubt look to help the forwards in the lead up to games and also help the boys during the matches.

“I will be doing everything to earn my spot back in the side when I become available for selection.”