BRAVERY is a term frequently associated with football and the sporting field. And while there is no doubt that the feats of elite sportsmen and women are often worthy of that term, they can hardly be compared to the courage of little Emily Carabetta.

The Port Adelaide Football Club is proud to have supported a fund-raising dinner to support Emily, who has fought more battles in her four-and-a-half years than most of us could imagine in a lifetime.

Born five weeks premature, Emily was diagnosed with Treacher-Collins Syndrome, a rare and complex condition resulting in under-development of cranio-facial features.

With her jaw severely affected, Emily couldn’t breathe or eat through her mouth. For her first three years, she required a Tracheostomy for respiration and gastric tube for feeding. This required around-the-clock treatment for Emily and the continual efforts of her Mum Rose and Dad Frank, and the love and understanding of big brother Max.

Emily and her family faced battle after battle, but together they have endured and their love keeps them strong as they face the ongoing treatment that will let this little girl enjoy a fulfilling life.

Adelaide’s world acclaimed Australian Cranio Facial Unit - at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital - has become Emily and her family’s saviour. Her first bout of surgery extended her lower jaw allowing her to eat and breathe without assistance, and to make her first noises.

While they have a long road ahead Emily and her family have the support of the Calabrese Benevolent Association of SA, a key part of Adelaide’s Italian community.

For those who wish to donate to support Emily, cheques can be made payable to Emily's parents:
Rose and Frank Carabetta

Post them to:
Calabrese Benevolent Assoc. of SA
65 Kingborn Avenue
Seaton SA 5023