With 13 Cats players in total selected for the Victorian and Dream Team squads, gfc.com.au sat down with two Victorian players, Jimmy Bartel and Steve Johnson, and two Dream Team players, Mathew Stokes and Corey Enright to discuss the upcoming Hall of Fame game.

How big an honour is it to be selected for your state?

SJ: It’s a massive honour. It’s something where when you’re younger you see the Victorians play and one day you dream of being able to play for Victoria.

CE: It will be a huge honour and something I’m really looking forward to.

JB: Representing the Big V would have to be right up there with the biggest honours in football, it’d be right up there with playing finals or winning a premiership with the Cats.

MS: It’s an unbelievable honour and I hope I get an opportunity to play in the final team.

What opposition players are you looking forward to playing with?

SJ: If I get selected I would love to play with Jonathon Brown. I think if you just put the ball in his direction he’d make you look good.

CE: There will certainly be some big name players. I think Andrew McLeod and Lance Franklin would be pretty awesome to play with.

JB: I think it’d be great to be able to hit up some of the big forwards like Jonathon Brown or Brendan Fevola.

MS: If I get selected it would be great to play with a few of the Darwin boys like Alwyn Davey, Peter Burgoyne and Andrew McLeod.

How would you feel playing on one of your teammates?

SJ: If I ended up playing on one of my teammates I certainly wouldn’t hold anything back.

CE: It’d be interesting I’d say. We’ve done it a few times at training but it’d be interesting lining up on Steve Johnson I reckon.

JB: You match up a few times against each other in intra-club games but this would be a bit different.

Do you have a favourite memory of State of Origin football?

SJ: It’d definitely be the day Teddy Whitten was driven around the oval as a send-off.

CE: Yeah, probably the game with Teddy doing the lap. I watched all the Victoria versus South Australia games and definitely got into them. 

JB: Teddy Whitten’s lap would have to be my enduring memory.

MS: It’d probably have to be playing in the Aboriginal All-Star game against Essendon. It was a massive one for me and something I’ll always remember.