WEST Coast coach John Worsfold says AFL footballers are better educated on the pitfalls of drug use than the rest of society, as Fremantle player Michael Johnson is investigated for an alleged drug-related matter.

Fremantle confirmed on Monday night that Johnson, 25, was being investigated by WA Police for a drug-related matter in Perth on Saturday night. No charges have been laid.     

Worsfold, who said he supported the AFL’s three strikes drug policy, said the Johnson situation would have a ripple effect for all clubs, but the AFL environment was still a positive one for players.

“It’s not a great thing to have happening, but I still believe the AFL family environment is still a lot safer than if you’re not in it,” Worsfold said from Subiaco Oval on Tuesday.

“AFL footballers are a lot more well equipped to deal with what is going on in society than people who aren’t in the AFL environment.

“I think they get educated, they’ve got support networks; it’s a very good environment for them to be in.

“You’re not immune to it in the AFL environment, but it’s still a lot safer. I’d love my kids to be in the AFL environment because of the support networks they have available to them.”