Throughout the last year, Ali Faraj (Regional Engagement Manager - GWS) has led his team to the following days.
- Mt Druitt Vision Team Sports Day
- Minto YMCA NSW Sport and Rec Disability Day
- Emmaus Disability Program Catholic Care Family Sports Day
- Westmead Children’s Hospital Gala Day
- Holroyd Disability Sports Expo
- NSW Sport and Rec Return2Sport Rehabilitation Day
- Broderick Gillawarna 6 week School program
- Flintwood Family Day
Over the course of the days and programs, 400 children and adults have had the opportunity to try AFL. - Ali Faraj states “We are pleased to be apart of such wonderful programs, they allow us to offer our wonderful sport to everyone no matter the circumstances - We do modify the program to suit the participants needs but we are seeing fantastic results. Participants enjoy the challenge and staff/parents enjoy the fact we are making our sport accessible to people with special needs”.
AFL NSW/ACT are hoping to provide more opportunities for children and adults in 2012 by attending more of these days across the state.