In 1998, the Club faced enormous challenges with on field losses placing continuous pressure on team morale and club resources.

Headlines such as “Board revolt”, “Lions at war” and “Lions lose their pride” littered the newspapers.

Michael Voss smashed his leg at Subiaco and many wrote him off.

Justin Leppitsch, Jason Akermanis and Nigel Lappin’s careers were also being questioned.

The Club was on its knees.

But ‘adversity breeds success’ and history has proven these views to be wrong.

Voss went on to become the greatest player of the modern era and led his team to three consecutive premierships.

Leppitsch, Akermanis and Lappin each won Club Champion awards and are now regarded among the true Club and game greats.

We did hit rock bottom in 1998. But the shared adversity fuelled the team’s and Club’s drive to eventually achieve the ultimate success.

That brings us to today.

It’s been a tough year and a tough week for everyone concerned.

In 2010 we will do well to remember 1998 and ask the question “what is it going to take to be as successful as we were then”.

The core principals of team and club success remain solid.

As a Board, coach, team and Lions staff we must all be totally aligned. We owe it to our sponsors, members and supporters.

Our Football Club’s current vision statement is:

“…to be the most respected, innovative and successful sporting club in the Australian entertainment industry.”

Respected, innovative, successful - Yes.

But really this is nothing more than an airy fairy motherhood statement.

Our Club exists for one purpose and for one purpose only - to win premierships!

These guys did not join this Club to be the most successful club in the entertainment industry.

To do so, it’s our responsibility to make sure we have the best possible people as part of our organisation - the best players, the best coaches, the best staff, and the best Board.

We all have to improve and we will. All of us.

As a member of the Lions Board of Directors for the past 12 years, I have no hesitation in admitting that we’ve made mistakes.

I do have one ‘Motherhood Statement’ to make!

This is a watershed moment in our Club’s history.

Our former coach Leigh Matthews once said to the Board that we hadn’t been tested, “but you will be”.

Well, we’re being tested right now and once again history will record how we responded.

Under the leadership of Michael Voss and Jonathan Brown, this group is going to move forward and they will be successful.

We will all learn from this year’s hardships and the Lions Board will stand behind our Coach and team 110%.

Someone once asked me who was my second AFL team?

I replied, “Second team? Are you kidding me? I don’t have a second team!”

“I hate them all”.

To me, there is only one team - and that’s the Brisbane Lions.