WESTERN Bulldogs coach Rodney Eade believes the club's state-of-the-art Elite Learning Centre will help to bridge the gap between the Dogs and some of their financially better-off opponents.

Eade said the official opening of the Centre at Whitten Oval is "huge" for the Bulldogs, who have been known as one of "poorer" clubs in a league featuring the likes of Collingwood and Adelaide, who want for little as far as training facilities are concerned. 

"It sends a big message to the competition and the doubters and I think more the supporters and the people of the west, that we're making a huge step forward and that we  aren't the battlers," Eade said.

"The western region has something to be proud of, and people in the west should be proud of this and say that the club is going forward".

Eade said it was understandable that many doubted the club would be able to revamp the run-down oval that last saw a league game in 1997, after many cash-strapped years with frequent talk of possible relocation or mergers with other clubs.

"With the history of the club, it's probably justified that there be sceptics [who doubted]  that it would get off the ground. But as proven, it's gotten off the ground," he said.

"It's better than we'd hoped for. There's still some other parts to be opened up; there should be hot and cold baths by the end of the week and then the theatrette and the players' rec room.

"There's a bit to go, which should give the players another boost when it happens."

Club captain Brad Johnson said while he'd never felt disadvantaged before during his years of using the Dogs' old facilities, he was more than excited about the prospect of the Elite Learning Centre and all it has to offer.

He is particularly happy with the opportunity to "do everything on site", including recovery and injury management, as he believes such facilities will ultimately keep more players on the park.

"It's amazing. It really is," Johnson said.

"We've enjoyed it for the last couple of months, and every day you walk in the place and something has changed.

"It really is amazing for the footy club, and the younger guys are really going to cherish this, as us older guys are as well.

"With everything that will happen over the next year or so as well, it's just a massive lift for the club and the west in general. It's a fantastic opportunity to be a part of it."