Hi Ash, do you guys do much sparring (as in boxing) for strength and conditioning training? If so, who's the champ? And who's the one that always gets beaten?
Simon from Montmorency (VIC)

We do a fair bit of sparring around the Club, but more as a fitness thing. We don’t usually get in the ring with each.

Will Hamill was the champ when he was at the Club. The guy who gets beaten up the most is probably Daniel Rich.

Hi Ash, do many of the current players keep in touch with any of the guys delisted over the last few years or do they just become opposition players and you kinda ignore them from then on?
Mel from Indooroopilly (QLD)

Nah, we don’t ignore them. Most boys keep in touch even if they move to other clubs.

A lot of us still keep in contact with guys like Jason Roe, Joel Macdonald and Braddy.

But I guess after a while it gets hard to stay in touch and people just seem to move on.

Browny is probably seen as the best leader in the AFL. What makes him such a good leader and are him and Vossy similar in their leadership styles?
Anton from Carrara (QLD)

Browny is a really strong leader. I think he is just one of those guys who was born to do it.

I guess he and Vossy are pretty similar in some ways. The command respect and whatever they say - you do.

Hey Ash, I was wondering if you watched any reality TV shows? If so, what are they?
Kelcey from Kambah (ACT)

Like a lot of the boys, I usually like to watch Man v Wild on SBS. I know that Michael Rischitelli really loves this new show called Jersey Shore.

What’s the funniest thing you have seen happen on the footy field or at training involving one of the Lions players?
Mohammed from North Fitzroy (VIC)

One of the funniest things I have seen was when Leigh Matthews was still coaching us and was holding the tackle bags at training one night.

He knelt down to pick up a loose ball and Browny ended up running straight through him. It all seemed to happen in slow motion and he fell to ground.

The boys wanted to have a bit of a laugh but were probably too scared.

More recently was probably the time that Bart McCulloch ran into the goal post during the team’s warm-up lap. I think the big fella needs to get his eyes tested.

One of the fantastic aspects of the top teams like the Saints, Cats and Bulldogs over the past few seasons has been their ability to get the ball very rapidly into play after an opposition behind. Have the back six been working on this obviously advantageous skill this season? Because to be a top four side, the Lions need this as a consistent weapon in counter-attack.
Pete from Landsborough (QLD)

That’s right Pete. We definitely try to get it in quick from kick-ins, but opposition zoning can make this hard.

When you hold onto the ball for just a little bit too long, it gives them a chance to get numbers in their forward 50 and work out your kicking strategy.

It’s always best to move the ball quickly and easily out of defence to give the forwards the best chance to score.

G’Day Ash! Is Don Barry any chance of playing a senior game this year?
Andy from Ashgrove (QLD)

The PNG Panther is playing good footy and I would love to see him out there.

Because he’s an International Scholarship player, I’m not sure what the ruling is with him being available for the seniors. I don’t know whether we can upgrade him or not.

But he’s been doing really well with the Reserves.

Hey Ash. When the Lions travel for interstate for games - like Adelaide for instance - do you guys wait around after the game to sign autographs and take photos with fans?
Adam from Walkerville (SA)

Yeah, the boys usually stop to sign autographs and take photos with our group of SA fans on our way back to the team bus after games.

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