WEST COAST rookie Chris Masten will front Perth magistrates court to contest what West Australian police called a "minor assault charge", after he was picked up by police at the Perth foreshore on Saturday night.

Police said the 18-year-old, who was West Coast's first pick at No.3 in December's NAB AFL Draft, was charged in relation with an alleged assault at the Australia Day Skyworks celebration on the foreshore.

Masten will have to front Perth magistrates court on February 18. Under the WA criminal code, if found guilty he could be fined up to $6000.

West Coast chief executive Trevor Nisbett said the club was very disappointed the player had put himself in that situation, given the effort the club had put into establishing a new set of core values over summer.

"We hope this will be a steep learning curve for one of our rookie players and he can now put this behind him and start his professional career," Nisbett said.

He also said the incident was a major setback to Masten's chances of selection in the West Coast line up for the start of the AFL season proper.

Masten was picked up in last year's NAB AFL Draft as part of the deal for trading premiership captain Chris Judd to Carlton.