THE Port Adelaide Football Club has unveiled a new $100,000 Loyalty Rewards program for its members, backed by Gordon Pickard.

The Pickard Power Loyalty Rewards Program will include ‘member-get-member’ and game day attendance rewards, and game day recognition for Port Adelaide members.

The Program is a further extension of Mr Pickard’s investment in the Power and the South Australian sporting community.

The Loyalty Rewards Program - which is exclusively for Power members - will include prize draws at every Power home game and a major prize draw at the end of the season.

Automatic entry into the draws will be obtained by either recruiting new members to the club or by attending at least seven home games in 2010.

The rewards will include a Toyota Rav4 (from Northpoint Toyota), an international holiday plus AFL Grand Final packages (from Phil Hoffman Travel), some sensational Power ‘back in black’ scooters, Plasma televisions, and much more.

Power President Brett Duncanson says Mr Pickard’s further investment in the Port Adelaide Football Club is exciting.

“Gordon Pickard is further increasing his investment in the Port Adelaide Football Club because he believes in what we are doing,” Mr Duncanson said.

“This new aspect of Mr Pickard’s support will allow us to encourage and reward our members for their active participation in our club, in particular by recruiting new members and by coming to more games at AAMI Stadium.”

The Power’s membership is currently just under 24,000 ticketed members plus a further 3,000 non-ticketed members. The club is targeting a tally of 32,500 members in 2010