1. Do you get recognised much in the street?
Not really. I’ll get stopped every now and then but only by our diehard supporters. I don’t get noticed as much as I probably would if I was living in Melbourne or Perth which is a good thing.

2. Who was the last person you texted?
I sent one earlier today to a guy called Danny from Quicksilver. It was nothing overly exciting.

3. Who is your favourite movie character of all time?
The Mask

4. What song do you currently listen to the most?
“1901” by Phoenix

5. How did you celebrate your most recent birthday?
I just had a quiet dinner out with some close friends

6. If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?
Either a frog or a dolphin

7. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
To fly

8. What was the last meal you cooked for somebody?
Steak, mash and veggies

9. Where would you go out to eat in Brisbane if it was to be your last meal?
The Himalayan Café in the Valley because it has different tasting food

10. What food do you find is the hardest to stay away from during the season?
Fish & Chips

11. What is in your refrigerator right now?
I dunno. I haven’t checked lately because I’ve been away in Melbourne for the past couple of days.

12. What is the question you are most often asked?
How’s Fev going?

13. What is your favourite item of clothing?

14. Who will you be cheering for in the FIFA World Cup now that Australia has been knocked out?
No one

15. What chores are you responsible for around the household? What is your least favourite?
I load the dishwasher and load the washing machine. One thing I really can’t stand is drying the dishes

16. You are one of many keen golfers at the Lions. Which Lions player or coach would be your toughest opponent out on the course?
Either Manny Lynch (Leadership & Development Coach) or Broc McCauley

17. If you could play a round of golf with any three people, who would they be?
Tiger Woods, John Daly and Tom Watson

18. If you could subscribe to any magazine, what would it be?
Surfing Life or Waves

19. If you could perform a duet with any famous musician, who would it be?
Snoop Dogg

20. What’s you favourite application on you iPhone?
I have a blackberry