THE PAIN of losing by less than a kick (after being in a match-winning position) is all part of football. It's as much a part of the game as flooding, 50m penalties and footballers with late night bladder control problems.

Just about every team has to go through it at some stage of the season, although it looks like Melbourne won't have to worry about close defeats this year.

Last season our first buttock-clenching loss didn't come until round five against Fremantle; a one-pointer. But those of you who have got to know me over the years know I like to focus on the positives and here's my first positive of season 2008 – it's out of the way early.

Let rip with a few expletives, accept the three-point defeat and move on. I have.

The only thing I have to say about the first quarter is to offer a quick note of gratitude to my footy watching buddy, Mark. His decision to produce a bag of macadamia nuts during a quarter devoid of highlights was a gem. They were a tasty distraction.

My attention shifted to onfield events in the second as the Crows found more avenues to goal – Edwards, Burton, McGregor, McLeod and Douglas – and by half time we were up by five points.

Mark's move to pistachio nuts proved to be a good choice, especially for those who cling to omens. "The power of the pistachio nut can never be underestimated", I asserted. "Don't forget to bring them next time."

Adelaide opened up a mouth-watering lead in the third, only to see it disappear. God knows where it went. I looked everywhere for it – in my bag, under my seat. I even went to the bar and parted with eight dollars for one drink to try and find our lead. It was more elusive than Wayne Carey.

The last quarter had us squirming in our seats until Simon Goodwin put the Crows eight points up with not much time to go. Aisle eight went up as one in what turned out to be our first episode of premature celebration for season 2008.

We all know what happened after that. 300-gamer Brad Johnson scored the Bulldogs' last three goals of the game *, Bock missed with the final kick of the day and aisle eight went home deflated, leaving behind a broken heart and a pile of pistachio nut shells. Not much more to say about it really.

But back to the line of positive-thinking. The Crows eclipsed their average score of last season by 37 points. (86 was our 2007 average.) The signs are good that we can return to being a high-scoring side.

The third great positive is that the Crows unveiled two handy prospects in debutants Kurt Tippett and David Mackay. Added to that, new recruit Brad Symes was among Adelaide's best. Welcome Brad. You look much better in navy blue, red and gold. Teal never really was your colour.

Next week we roll out the welcome mat to West Coast on Saturday afternoon. We're ready for the challenge, we're match fit and we'll be out to bury past demons.  Just like the players.

*As much as it pained me to see Johnson take matters into his own hands in that final quarter he is my equal favourite non-Crow along with Matthew Richardson. Well done on reaching 300 games Johnno.

The views in this story are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the club or the AFL.