All schools want to provide a safe, healthy environment for their students and increasingly that means being aware and ready to deal with serious food allergy reactions and anaphylaxis at school.

While life-threatening reactions to foods are relatively rare, it's vital that schools, parents, students and medical practitioners all to work together to make sure that effective action plans are in place to deal with reactions for all vulnerable students. Food Allergy Awareness Week runs from 16th to 22nd May 2010 and we hope you take the opportunity to refresh your knowledge about such an important issue. For more information, go to:


To find out more, we help kids understand What is Food Allergy and examine the issue of food allergy in schools in Getting the edge on food allergies. On a really positive note we look at research showing that, for some children, Peanut allergies are not always permanent.


Healthy Sandwiches

The students will be discussing the importance of eating at least one serve of fruit and two serves of vegetables a day. They will be making their own healthy sandwich for lunch and then be drawing a picture to illustrate their sandwich.

Getting the Edge on Food Allergies

Food allergy occurs when the immune system becomes sensitised to substances in foods that in usual circumstances would be harmless. In Australia, nine foods account for 90 per cent of food allergic reactions