I MET Jill Lindsay almost 20 years ago when I first joined the Sydney Swans coaching staff.

I was with then Football Manager Kevin Egan and was watching while this lady with a loud, authoritative voice was ordering around some of the SCG ground staff - and they were moving as quickly as I have ever seen them move.

"Who is that?" I asked Kevin. "That's Jill Lindsay - she's the First Lady of Football," he replied.

This was no idle comment - Kevin was genuine in his respect. Jill was the "First Lady of Football" and ever since that day I have found the same respect for Jill from all areas within the AFL community.

During my time at the Swans, Jill was personable, professional and always in control. She seemingly knew everyone and was aware of everything that was happening at clubs and at the AFL .

Whenever I needed advice, clarity on an issue, a contact or a favour, Jill was who I contacted at the AFL and she always delivered.

When I had the opportunity to join the AFL, Jill 's advice to me was to bring the same level of commitment and loyalty to the AFL that I had to the Sydney Swans. Always be proud of my passion for the Swans and my love and respect for the game itself and make sure I kept my sense of humour - I was going to need it!

My time here at the AFL only reinforced my opinion of Jill - she was professional, supportive, passionate, loud, had everyone's respect, was a fantastic mentor to many and an even better role model for many, many more.
She loved the game and its traditions - and she had a wicked sense of humour!

When the Swans reached the Grand Final in 2005, Jill made sure I had an on-ground pass -even though at that time I had no true on -ground duties - just to ensure I could celebrate with the players, coaches, officials and club people who I had been so close to during my years at the Swans.

As someone who loved the game and the people in it, Jill instinctively knew what the match and the club meant to me. It remains the best day of my life and among my strongest memories of the day is celebrating on the ground with my second family - the Swans - all thanks to Jill.

Last year, a friend and his 8-year-old son from South Australia visited me at AFL House and when I met them, young Nick had a huge smile on his face- he was practically beaming and had a brand new AFL match football firmly hugged to his chest.

My friend said a woman came bustling through reception, saw Nick, asked him if he loved his footy and then laughing loudly, gave him the football and then moved on into the office. My friend said he knew it was Jill Lindsay because he had seen her many times on TV.

Young Nick asked me "Is that lady the boss here?"

"Yes Nick" I answered. "That is Jill Lindsay - she's the First Lady of Football."
And she always will be.