Harbour Town is the place to be these school holidays, because on July 9 and 10 you’ll be able to give your kids the ultimate Port Adelaide Football Club experience.

Starting at Ray’s Outdoors and running from the southern end to the northern end of the mall, the ‘Power through Harbour Town Trail’ will take kids on a journey of giveaways and activities and give them the opportunity to meet some of their favourite Power players!

There’ll be face-painting, a handball competition and players from the Adelaide Thunderbirds will be there too.

It’s so simple – start at the beginning and follow the track, collecting freebies and enjoying the entertainment as you go – all for a gold coin donation.

All proceeds go to the Starlight Children’s Foundation through the Power of Dreams – the charity arm of the Port Adelaide Football Club.

We’ll see you on Thursday July 9 and Friday July 10 from 10am to 2pm at Harbour Town!

For further information on the ‘Power through Harbour Town Trail’ please call Centre Management on 8355 1144.