On Saturday night's win against North Melbourne:

"Overall I thought we were very good, exceptionally good. That's as good as we've played this year apart from the conversion part which wasn't so good. Given that our conversion of goals was sloppy and their conversion was exceptional, that kept the scoreboard close. In all the factors other than conversion, it was an exceptional win against good competitive opposition."

"The game was probably a bit more live at three-quarter-time than it has been in the past few weeks."

"We did a good job on Saturday night. I think we got outscored in the second half but we actually ran the game out really strongly given we were a little bit down on personnel."

On Jonathan Brown's injury scare:

"We're pretty optimistic about Jonathan Brown. The way he was yesterday and the way he has been today means that we are pretty hopeful that he'll be okay. We're optimistic he'll play this week."

"It was a hyper extension of the knee. I asked the medical people about it this morning because it looked like he was crippled and then the next minute he is up running again."

"At the time it was pretty scary because it looked severe. When anyone goes down with a knee issue and hobbles off you really don't know what it's all about."

"So we're pretty happy it's not too serious. He did something similar against Sydney in the last (pre-season) practice game - he was almost stretchered off and was then back running within five or 10 minutes."

"It's now a question of how he pulls up for next week. Sometimes you are able to finish the match and then it's still a bit inflamed after."

On the idea of using extra umpires:

"I'm a great supporter of the fourth umpire to be honest. At the moment you have got one umpire bouncing the ball who can't see the action because he is bouncing the footy and two other umpires who are quite often 50 metres away."

"You've got 10-12 pairs of players around each stoppage at the moment and there are so many bodies there that you can't really watch the ball. The fourth umpire would help immeasurably in the adjudication of the congestion area."