I THOUGHT the boys’ intensity and execution of the game plan in the elimination final against Sydney was probably the best it’s been in about 10 weeks.

From that point of view it was really good that the boys were able to hear the instructions and carry them out with such intensity and passion. Getting away with no injuries was a bonus as well.

The guys enjoyed the win, but we just get them to switch off and focus on what they have to do this week.

It was a win, we don’t get any premiership points, but we just advance into the next round of finals and it’s all about getting the boys in the right mental and physical shape to replicate that effort in the semi final against West Coast. 

We went down to the St Kilda sea baths on Monday just to freshen up mentally and physically, and we’re really just focusing on the technical things on the track at this stage of the year.

We’re into our 24th week of the season, so there’s not a lot to be done on the training ground.

We’re just polishing up a few of the technical skill areas and it’s more about recovery and getting the boys right to go with the same sort of intensity and passion for the contest this Friday night.

The group will travel over to Perth on Thursday so we can train at Subiaco and go into our normal away mode.

The injury clouds over a few of West Coast’s players makes it a little tricky to plan for because if one, two or three of their players miss out they’ll re-organise their side, but at this time of year, it’s more about what we want to do; where our players are going to play.

But while the Eagles’ personnel might change, the way they play won’t change a lot, if at all.

If a young half-back flanker comes in is he going to play the role any differently to the bloke he replaces? Maybe a little, but ultimately they’re not going to change it that much.

We’ll obviously need to combat the running brand of footy which they play at West Coast; they’ve tackled some of the away sides so well over there.

It’s a long, skinny ground which our boys aren’t used to, we generally like it nice and hard and in close, so that presents a challenge for us.

But if we can negate the run and carry of the Eagles we certainly give ourselves a good chance of winning the game.