That is the central question behind an on-line youth survey that has been launched by the West Australian Football Commission.

By logging onto children aged up to 17 who play football can anonymously answer questions that will enable WA Football’s governing body to directly find out what motivates, irks and excites its youth-aged participants.

The questions in the 10-minute survey cover issues from playing, training, parent involvement to the administration of the game.

WAFC Manager of Community Development, Warren Nel, said the survey was designed to find out what country and metropolitan youth-aged players wanted from the game.

“We conducted a survey (Why kids stop playing football) last year and the most profound finding was that children found it tough to commit a lot of time to football and fit training and playing in around their school and home lives,” Mr Nel said.

“This year the survey is more comprehensive, in terms of the issues it covers as well as the promotional strategy behind getting as many youth-aged players as possible to take part.

“We want to hear what the young players feel about every aspect of the game and from there we can work with our community football clubs to ensure we delivering the product the youth players want.”

Some of the questions included in this year’s survey include: what are the best and worst things about playing football; how the player gets to and from training; who made the decision that they would play football; how many days a week do they train and which is their preferred day; what things would you change about football to make it better; what rules would you add or delete from the game; who’s football advice do you take the most notice of; are you planning to play senior football when you have finished junior football and do you think you will be a volunteer helper at your football club one day.

The survey will also be used as a bit of a ‘culture’ map, finding out which WAFL and AFL clubs players support, what other sports they play as well as their views on community (club) and school football.

Youth-aged players will be encouraged to complete the survey through their coaches, team managers, school teachers, the media and other WAFC resources.