MELBOURNE is set to have the majority of its players ready to start pre-season training on October 13, as opposed to the injury-hit squad which entered the 2008 season.

The Demons had more than 20 players on modified programs in January this year, but Melbourne football operations manager Ross Monaghan told that the club was set to have a greater squad ready to hit the track next month. 

"The last two years we've had massive amounts of surgery and there have been a lot of blokes who weren't in a position to start summer training – they've been on modified training up until Christmas," Monaghan said.

"We should only have a few that are in that category, by the time summer training starts."

Monaghan said Brock McLean, Russell Robertson, Paul Johnson, Matthew Warnock and Brad Green had all had recent surgery, but were all progressing well. 

"Brock McLean had his surgery a long time ago and he'll be on a modified program to begin with, as will Russell Robertson. His progress has been good though and he's ahead of schedule," Monaghan said.

"By the start of summer training, he'll be jogging at least, so he's well ahead of schedule and everyone is really happy with his progress.

"Paul Johnson had hip surgery before the end of the season, which went extremely well and he's now had ankle surgery this week and that's gone extremely well. They were both planned surgeries, but they had to be distanced apart. He'll be modified at the start of training.

"Matthew Warnock had surgery on his elbow last week – it was only minor – but he had trouble with it this year, although he played on with it. But it was pretty painful for him at times. The surgery has now corrected that.

"And Brad Green has to have some minor thumb surgery, but he'll be able to run over the summer, but he won't be able to do some of the skills like some of the other guys."

McLean, Robertson and Johnson will have modified programs upon return, although Warnock and Green will be able to commence running duties, despite their recent surgery.

Defender Jared Rivers (abdominal) was operated on earlier in the year and will also start on a modified program.