What club did you support growing up?

The Adelaide Crows. I just followed them growing up, even though I lived in Perth.

Using one word, how would you describe the life of an AFL footballer?


What is your favourite team to play against and why?

The Crows because I grew up supporting them and Andrew McLeod was my favourite player.
Is the game becoming too fast?

It's becoming very fast, not like the old days when there was a bit of biff and brawl here and there, but I enjoy it the way it is.
What is your favourite football memory?

I don't have just one; I have many. Playing my debut last year was pretty good because it was my dream, come true, but getting drafted is another one. There's so many.

What would you call the new Gold Coast and West Sydney team if you had naming power?

The Gold Coast Sunbakers and the West Sydney Ducks.

If you could be any other player, who would you be?

Adam Goodes, with his two Brownlow Medals and his ability to get more involved in the game. He's got a massive work rate and he's always involved in the contest.

Who's the most annoying player to room with when you go interstate, and why?

Stephen Tiller, because I've been rooming with him every interstate game I've played and he gets on my nerves. He always does something stupid.

What's the funniest prank any of your teammates have played on you?

Brian Lake came into my room when I was asleep and he picked my bed up and tipped me off so I was stuck in between the wall and the bed. It wasn't very good, but he thought it was funny and he started laughing and then ran out the door.

Who considers himself the most fashionable at the club?

Robert Murphy or Will Minson. They're always wearing something different, and Murph always has a scarf or a beanie on.
Who would be the most unfashionable?

Andrew McDougall was pretty bad, he'd always come in with fringed hair, but Brennan Stack wears Michael Jordan clothes every day.
Who's got the best singing voice?

I heard Murph singing this morning and he's a pretty good singer. He sings a fair bit. Westy sings a bit as well.

What's an amusing fact about one of your teammates that not many people know?

Probably Aker with his jokes. Every day he sends out a joke of the day over text message to a whole list of people.

If you had to pick one of your teammates to take on a date, who would it be?

Will Minson because he knows his food, but he does talk a lot and if you've got nothing to say, he'll always say something.

What's the funniest Rocket moment you can think of?

He's always yelling at me, but when he has a go at a few players … he teases Brian [Lake] a lot and he gives it to him a lot out on the training track. He's a funny man.
Who do you live with?

My family; mum, dad and my sister.
Who does the cooking?

My mum most of the time.
How are you in the kitchen?

I'm alright at breakfast time. I can make my own scrambled eggs and toast, I do alright at the toast.

If you were having Rodney Eade around for dinner, what would you cook?

First I'd ask him what he'd want, and then I'd probably cook him something completely different. I'd probably cook him kangaroo or turtle, give him a taste of what we eat.

Who does the housework at your place?

We all try and chip in every now and again, but mum does most of it because she's a cleaning addict.
What's your most used appliance and why?

The TV while I do my resting and recovering. I like bro'Town on SBS, and Family Guy – the boys got me into that last year, and The Simpsons and My Wife and Kids.
Do you have any pets?

I used to have two dogs, a Husky and a Red Heeler, but the Husky went missing so now we've just got the Red Heeler, Jessi.
What is your most annoying habit?

The boys say I talk too much and ask too many questions but sometimes they think that's good.
Are you generally a cat or dog person?

Dog person.

If you were stuck on a desert island, what three things would you want with you?

A swimming pool, a never-ending supply of food and drinks, and a hot girl.
What's your ideal holiday spot?

I stayed in Broome for two years and that's a great place to go, but I haven't really seen much of the world yet. I'd like to go to Hawaii.
What's your idea of a perfect day?

A day without rain and clouds. That's a good day. A day sitting back, recovering, and being laid-back on the beach, getting more of a tan.
What action hero would you most like to be, and why?

Batman, because I've seen it three times now so I'll go with him.
What sort of car do you drive?

A Commodore.
What's the most embarrassing song on your iPod?

I have an iPhone, but there's nothing embarrassing on there. I had a Shania Twain album once because my sister got me into her. If one of her songs comes on the radio now though, I'd still sing along to it.