The 2009 season is set to be full of excitement with the emergence of young stars Rhys Palmer, Garrick Ibbotson, Chris Mayne and Clayton Hinkley. As the playing squad begins their preparations for the coming season we invite our members to be part of the team in 2009.
Renewing Members must ensure they have their membership forms and payment back to the club no later than 30 November to secure their seat for the 2009 season. After this date unrenewed seats will become available to other members wishing to change seats and new members wishing to secure a reserved seat.
To renew your membership for 2009 online click here.
If you were not a Fremantle member in Season 2008 but wish to join the team for the 2009 season click here to download the New Membership Form.
For more information on Fremantle memberships for the 2009 season, including becoming a Victorian, Interstate or Country member, click here or contact the Membership Team on (08) 9433 7111.