SYDNEY key forward Barry Hall is fully focussed on arresting his form slump, while insisting he won't be under-estimating a depleted Collingwood defence in Saturday night's big AFL clash at Telstra Stadium.

Collingwood will be without four members of its first-choice back six due to injury, including two-time All-Australian James Clement and number-one fullback Simon Prestigiacomo.

"I'm going to find my way out of it [the form slump]. My work rate is up and I've been working harder, it just hasn't been coming off," the Swans’ co-captain said.

"[But] as long as the team is winning, form is irrelevant as far as we're concerned.

"I'm certainly keen enough and looking forward to the weekend, looking forward to the second half of the season, so actions will speak louder than words."

The Swans’ big man admitted media pressure had played on his mind in recent weeks, but denied that, or suggestions he was set to move into professional boxing, had made him think about his future in the game.

"I'm never one to walk away from bad form or anything like that ... (but) if you're not playing well, your confidence is down, then that's certainly going to pop up into your head," he said.

"My number-one priority is to fix my form slump and help the team in the second half of the year.

"I haven't really thought of anything else, and nor should I."

Collingwood will again have to rely on a youthful defence in the absence of Clement, Prestigiacomo, Rhyce Shaw and Harry O'Brien.

"We know they're underdone in the backline, but if we don't do the things that win us games, we don't give ourselves a real chance," said Hall, whose likely first-up opponent will be veteran Shane Wakelin.

"It doesn't matter who we play, if it's their best side or their worst, if we don't do the things that win us games, we won't stand a chance."

More than 60,000 tickets have been sold for the game, which has turned into something of a traditional showpiece in the AFL's split round.

"Big games like this ... that's why you play footy," Hall said.

"And let's face it, everyone loves beating Collingwood, whether you're the Swans or 14 other teams."