CATS INSIDER gives his view of the 2010 grand final.

For the third straight grand final poor finishing cost a team. In 2008 the Cats goal kicking came back to haunt them, and last year it was St Kilda that missed some easy chances. Add Collingwood to the list of teams that had a lot of chances to put the game away but failed.

The AFL always says it cannot change rules mid season, yet it has rushed through a new rule saying that if the grand final replay is a draw then extra time will be played. Surely given the 2005, 2006 and 2009 grand finals were all in the balance until the final siren, the AFL could have foreseen the possibility of a draw and planned ahead.

Count CATS INSIDER as a fan of the extra time option. Everyone at the ground turned up to find out who would be premier. Deep down both teams would have been happy to get an outcome on the day. If its good enough for the other finals surely it’s good enough for the biggest game of all.

No criticism, just a question. Why can’t all games be umpired with the same common sense as this one? Case in point...with scores level, St Kilda received a free for on the full about 50 metres out. The Collingwood player went to throw the ball back but miscued the release. Two things happened. One, the ball didn’t make it back on the full, and two, he ran over the mark to retrieve the ball and return it to the Saints. Common sense saw no 50 metre penalty...but i bet in a round 12 game it would have been!

First year Cat Daniel Menzel made his AFL debut late in the season, and on Saturday he performed in front of over 100,000 - in the half time sprint. Menzel qualified for the final and finished fifth. Not a bad effort for the up and coming Cat.

All Australian centre half back Harry Taylor correctly tipped a draw...wonder who he will give an edge to in the replay?

Nice touch by the AFL to have Tom Harley as the captain of the previous premier hand the cup to the two potential presenters in the pre-match hoopla.

Everybody will recall Leo Barry’s mark in 2005 and Paul Chapman’s goal last year. But history shows that it’s only the key moments of the winners that stick in the memory. Lost in time will be Nick Maxwell’s dive to touch Nick Reiwoldt’s snap and Brendon Goddard’s screamer and goal to give the Saints the lead.

The Pies have more room for improvement and younger legs. They should win.