Sewelly's pasta bake

"We've got a secret Sewell family traditional tuna pasta bake. Don’t go telling mum that I’m sharing this one with you!” - Brad Sewell

 Ingredients (serves four):

  • One box of spiral pasta
  • One large can of tuna, drained
  • One can of crushed pineapple (including juice)
  • One bag of grated light cheese
  • One can of tomato soup


  1. In a pot of boiling water, cook the pasta until al dente, then drain and rinse.
  2. Return the drained and rinsed pasta to the empty pot and add the can of tomato soup, the crushed pineapple and the drained tuna.
  3. Stir until completely combined.
  4. Empty the combined pasta into a large casserole dish and sprinkle the bag of light cheese on top.
  5. Place the casserole dish in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees until cheese is golden.
  6. Serve hot for a healthy and delicious meal!

 Watch Sewelly cook his pasta bake on HawksTV:

Sewelly's Play On Foods
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Sewelly's Play On Foods appears on each weekly episode of HawksActive.