Name: Troy Selwood

Your earliest football memory is: Watching Fitzroy get smashed every week

Best mark you have taken at any level of football: I still haven’t taken a good mark

Best goal: The one where I got a 50m penalty and ended up kicking it from 20m directly in front

Where were you on the day you were drafted: At home playing backyard cricket

First person you called after you were drafted: I don’t remember

The hardest part of pre-season training: Speed testing

Favourite training drill: Any kicking drill

If you could play another professional sport, it would be: NBA

Sports teams you support (non-AFL): Boston Celtics, Queensland Firebirds

What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you: I’m single and available

Life motto: Pain heals…Chicks dig scars…Glory lasts forever

What dish would you serve up if you were on MasterChef: BBQ

Where is the furthest you have been from home: Koh phangan full moon party

Most environmentally conscious teammate: Todd Banfield

Teammate most likely to Google his own name: Justin Sherman

Teammate most likely to go into politics after football: Ash McGrath

What rules you more - your heart or your head: Heart

Do you prefer a planned event or an unplanned event: Unplanned

The last concert you went to: Phoenix

Your favourite cricketer: Don't have one

French fries or wedges: Fries

Speedos or boardshorts: Speedos

What’s on your iPod: Vampire weekend

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Click here to view Troy Selwood's 2010 player profile