Okinawans following a traditional lifestyle not only live very long lives but they are very healthy too. Serious illnesses such as cancer, stroke and heart disease are far less common than in Australia and America.
Scientists believe that one of the reasons the Okinawans live so long is because they stick to a traditional lifestyle and eat little or no junk food. Here are some other tips from Okinawa that we can follow, without travelling to Japan:
1) Eat lots of beans, whole grain foods, rice, fruit and vegetables.
2) Stop eating at meal time before you are full, so you don’t eat too much.
3) Be physically active often.
4) Keep your family happy, loving and together.
Interestingly, the scientist, Dr Ancel Keys, found another traditional lifestyle that is good for healthy living. Dr Keys discovered that people from Crete, in the Mediterranean region of Europe, also have lower rates of serious illness than people from other cultures.
Cretans living a traditional lifestyle eat whole wheat bread, olive oil, beans, nuts, fruit, vegetables, small amounts of cheese, and fish once or twice a week. They don’t eat red meat (or fast food) nearly as often as we do. They are also physically active often, have strong family ties and a relaxed approach to life.
To improve your chances of living a long life, think of the Okinawans and Cretans. Try to be physically active for at least one hour a day and eat a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and less junk food. Two serves of fruit and five serves of vegetables each day will do wonders for your health.
Related reading:
Kitchen cleanout
Eat Smart
Think about eating