What is your mostmemorable game?
The 2004 grand final without a doubt.

Who would you like onyour table at the Brownlow Medal count?
Dom Cassisi, just because he’s funny and good to pay out on, as well.Obviously my wife would be there, too.

Who is your mostannoying teammate?
Definitely Brett Ebert or Steve Salopek. They are both annoying, playlittle games and act like they’re 19, so probably those two.

What’s in your lockerat the club?
I’d say a towel, vitamins, my playing goals and some loose change. I keep apretty tidy locker.
What’s something you’re always being reminded to do?
Take the bin out and probably pick up my clothes.

If you were PrimeMinister for a day, what would you do?
Stop whaling. I just think it’s disgusting that people can get away withkilling a protected species. I’m a bit of a greenie so I have a passion foranimals.

What’s your mosthated training drill?
The 'Cornes drill' - named after Chad. It’s basically a drill where you’reon your hands and knees and a couple of people with pads try to bash you to theground and you have to put in six or seven efforts towards getting the ball.It’s quite tiring.

If you were a cartooncharacter, who would it be?
I was a massive cartoon fan when I was young and He-Man was my all timehero. So if anyone, I’d have to say him.

If you could take oneskill from another player in the competition, what would it be?
Definitely Ryan O’Keefe or Kane Cornes’ running ability – they go all day. I’dlove to know what it was like to never get tired.