IT'S THE time when many of us reflect on the past 12 months and make optimistic and probably unachievable plans to improve ourselves in the New Year. Football coaches are no different, as a special investigation has discovered.

Brenton Sanderson

To keep pumping those weights. The bod's holding up pretty well for a bloke about to turn 40, isn't it? How 'bout those pecs!

Justin Leppitsch

To invite all the new draftees to dinner at my home once a week, to ask after their families/girlfriends/pets/tattoos every time I pass them in the corridor, and to ask if they are enjoying all that delightful Brisbane and the wonderful Sunshine State has to offer.

Mick Malthouse

To be nice to the media, my players, furry animals, charity muggers, telephone canvassers, old ladies crossing the street, altitude camp deniers, Mormon missionaries knocking on my door, etc. Actually, cancel point one … let's just stop the pressers.

Nathan Buckley

To try to keep the peace by resisting the humming of 'La Bamba' when chatting with Heritier Lumumba.

Mark Thompson

To remember that I have to endure only a year of being hounded by the media, booed by opposition supporters and having the sword of ASADA Damocles hanging over my head. And to get a babble translator if I end up on Footy 360 with Robbo again.

No matter what happens, it's only one year. Bomber just has to remember that. Picture: AFL Media

Ross Lyon

Do I want to have a New Year's resolution? Of course I do. Do I want to tell you what it is? Of course I don't.

Chris Scott

To try not to get angry when someone calls me 'Brad' at a media conference.

Guy McKenna

To consider whether bringing in Campbell Brown as boxing coach would be a good idea. David Warner is another possibility, but he's probably rooted to cricket.

Leon Cameron

To do better when following on as coach after the unique Kevin Sheedy than poor old Matthew Knights did at Essendon.

Alastair Clarkson

To check before the season starts whether they have reinforced the walls of the MCG coach's box and the roof of the dugout.

Paul Roos

To try to remember that I am not at the Swans any more and to stop reminding people that I recruited Joey Kennedy, Marty Mattner, Rhyce Shaw, Mike Pyke (he's from Canada), etc, etc, etc.

Hey Georgie, Benny - where's Goodesy? Oh, that's right. Roosy isn't in Sydney any more. Picture: AFL Media

Brad Scott

To try not to get angry when someone calls me 'Chris' at a media conference.

Ken Hinkley

To not wake up and discover that 2013 was really all just a lovely dream.

Damien Hardwick

To check out whether getting a neck tattoo with some Maori phrases might help ensure that Dusty doesn't try to explore his options at other clubs next time his contract is set to expire.

How much neck ink would make Dusty stay? Hopefully none, thinks Damien Hardwick. Picture: AFL Media

Alan Richardson

To be super-happy, super-excited, super-committed, and super-califragilisticexpialidocious at all times. But definitely not to be superseded like my unfortunate predecessor.

John Longmire

To try to resist spending the next nine years covertly visiting every hip Sydney nightspot, every weekend.

Adam Simpson

To stay calm when the Perth media describes me as 'a Victorian coach' after our first loss for the season, and to be as effusive, warm and revelatory as John Worsfold was at press conferences.

Brendan McCartney

To get the grizzled beard happening again. The wise old owl look works well for a 'teaching' coach.