Name: Sean Yoshiura

Your earliest football memory is: First day at U9s training, listening to the coach

Best mark you have taken at any level of football: Playing reserves last year against Labrador

Best goal: A set shot from around 50m against Redlands

Where were you on the day you were drafted: Studying for an exam

First person you called after you were drafted: My mum

The hardest part of pre-season training: Ropes and push-ups

Favourite training drill: Anything with game simulation and full field drills

The best decision you have made on the football field: Persistence in second and third efforts

If you could play another professional sport, it would be: Running

Sports teams you support (non-AFL): Liverpool, Miami Heat

What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you: I’m half Australian. My mum’s side is from Davenport in Tasmania

Life motto: To give anything less than your best is sacrificing the gift - Prefontaine

What dish would you serve up if you were on MasterChef: Japanese Curry

Where is the furthest you have been from home: Czuch Republic

What is the oldest item in your wardrobe that you still wear: My U12 rep guernsey

Most environmentally conscious teammate: Simon Black

Teammate most likely to Google his own name: Albert Proud

Teammate most likely to go into politics after football: Troy Selwood

What rules you more - your heart or your head: Heart

Do you prefer a planned event or an unplanned event: Planned

The last concert you went to: I’ve never been

Your favourite cricketer: Matthew Hayden

French fries or wedges: Wedges

Speedos or boardshorts: Boardshorts

What’s on your iPod: Bon Jovi, Eminem, Rob Thomas

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Click here to view Sean Yoshiura's 2010 player profile