Hey Ash, Do players get to pick their own numbers or are they assigned according to position (or something else).
Gareth from Eagleby (QLD)

No, it’s really whatever numbers are available at the start of the year. We get them assigned. I was lucky enough to have a few numbers to choose from and I went for 9 because I was 6 throughout my juniors so I went for 9.

Hi Ash, I heard during the week that Brent Staker and Patrick Karnezis are housemates and they both seem to have the same hair style now what's going on there? Good luck for the rest of the year.
Josh from Howlong (NSW)

Patty and Brent do live together but Patty comes to the club with his hair all over the place because Stakes takes about 90 minutes to do his hair just to come to training. So Pat doesn’t get a lot of mirror time.

Are you going to be on the Challenge with Tom Rockliff this year? What do you reckon you could beat him at? He’s not having a great run.
Ben from Lutwyche (QLD)

Yeah, Tom’s hit me up to be on The Challenge so look out for that in the next couple of weeks! There will be one coming up.

Hey Ash, thanks for the signing session after the game on Sunday. My kids are still raving about it. Do you guys like doing things like that with fans?
Susie from Broadbeach (QLD)

No worries - good to get the supporters in during school holidays for the kids. We don’t mind doing it so it’s a good opportunity.

Hi Ash. I think Matt Maguire is the best thing I have ever seen! Is he single?
Rach from Milton (QLD)

Matt is a good looking beast. I’ll have to find out if he’s single and if he is, we’ll see what we can do!

Hey Ash, mate. I have two questions. Hope you don't mind. I was wondering how do you amp yourself up for a game and also could you tell me your cardio training regime? I ask because I am a proud member of the club, and have been for the past 7 years and missed very few games. Though the games I do see, I notice you seem to have speed and a stamina that appears to have no diminish.
Matt from Tingalpa (QLD)

I don’t really pump myself up nowadays. I used to when I was a bit younger but now I just like to have my routine and relax a bit. My speed has diminished a little bit though!

Hey Ash, you’re having a great season. I just wanted to ask you who has the most kids at the club as I have 7 siblings. Go Lions.
Mitchell from Cornubia (QLD)

Most guys with kids only have one - Amon Buchanan has a couple though.

Hi Ash, I noticed Don Barry did a real good job on Albert Proud the other week. Could we see him on the senior or rookie list next year?
Mikey from Panton Hill (VIC)

Don has been playing good footy lately. He’s just got to bide his time and you never know when a bit of luck might fall his way.

Hi Ash, with the Super XV semi-final, State of Origin and the Super XV final, I wondered how many of the boys were either Rugby Union or Rugby League supporters.
Mel from Indooroopilly (QLD)

A few boys get into the Origin. I’ve noticed that a few boys have started jumping on the Queensland Reds bandwagon lately, like everyone else in Queensland, now that they’re winning.

Do the tall ruckmen get special treatment when travelling by plane? Do they automatically get an exit row? Who do you like to sit next to on flights?
Sarah from Adelaide (SA)

Yeah the ruckmen usually get the exit rows so their legs can fit. On the long flights Virgin look after us and usually give us one seat empty in between us so we can stretch out a bit.

Not sure who is the best one to sit next to but definitely not Leuey because he’s got too much gas, and not Daniel Rich because he asks too many questions.

Any chance we’ll see Ooh Aah as a video next season like the videos the young guys are doing?
John from Fitzroy (VIC)

Nah I don’t think so John. I think everyone likes having a read on the website, let’s not mess with a good thing!


To submit your questions to Ash, click here.