St Kilda Football Club is always shocked to hear of the destruction of any public property, but this one hit particularly close to our home.

 Frankston Football Club was hit hard over night when their grandstand, gymnasium and club rooms  were all burnt to the ground.
Police are investigating the matter and have deemed it as suspicious.

Saints and the Dolphins are a key partnership, not just as future co-tenants of Frankston Park,  but also as important leaders in the local community.
Saints have planned their Family Day at Frankston Park for Sunday March 9th and this will  continue to go ahead as a hugely popular event.

Saints, CEO Archie Fraser said, “We’re absolutely committed to Frankston and while this fire  will have no impact on the development of our elite community Training and Development Facility,  we’ll be working with the local Council and the Frankston Football Club to help with a speedy  return of their facilities.”

“We will hold our Family Day at the Frankston Oval and will support Frankston by turning up  in numbers on the day. We expect around 7,000 people to attend our Family Day and will be  encouraging everyone to donate towards to Frankston Football Club. If every person who attends just donates $2 then we will have raised $14,000 to help support them.”

“As part of our relationship with the local Council we are also very happy to explore the integration  of a new grandstand and Dolphins change rooms as part of our project.  This should hopefully result in a speedy return of the facilities to the Frankston community,” said Archie
Saints continue to forge ahead and are working closely with the Frankston City Council and community,  Victorian State Government and the AFL  to make the vision of a state-of-the-art training and development
facility a reality.