The Club today announced that Marine and Civil Construction is the new sponsor of the club’s coaching team for the next two years (2) years.

Chief Executive Officer Cameron Schwab said today that “it is terrific to have a Western Australian company of the standing of Marine and Civil who are based in Fremantle as a Diamond Level sponsor of our coaching team.”

“Marine and Civil are an innovative company that contribute in a very significant way to the development and growth of marine infrastructure in our state.”

“We have a new coaching team taking us into 2008 led by Senior Coach Mark Harvey and it is fantastic that they have received the significant support from such a proud Western Australian organisation as Marine and Civil.

“Marine and Civil were involved with our club as a sponsor in 2007 and to extend their commitment to us for the next two years to a Diamond Level sponsor is outstanding.

“Our coaching team will proudly carry the Marine and Civil brand with them throughout 2008 with their logo appearing on all coach’s apparel,” said Mr Schwab.

Marine and Civil Managing Director Kay Giles said at today’s announcement that “as a Western Australian company based in Fremantle, we are proud to support the Fremantle Football Club as sponsor of the coaching team.”

“Our partnership with Fremantle in 2007 showed the professional and focused way they pursue their goals,” Ms Giles said.

“We have been impressed by the commitment shown throughout every level of the club, and there is no group of individuals that better reflect that than the coaching team.”

“We are very pleased to be able to support Mark Harvey and his team for the next two years.”

Marine and Civil was founded in 1992 to specialise in marine infrastructure. Over the last 15 years the Company built the Underwater Observatory in Busselton, the Artificial Surf Reef at Cable Beach, design and construction of Berth 1 Extension for the Port Hedland Port Authority, the iron ore load-out facility at Koolan Island, the Graham Farmer Freeway bridge piling and the Narrows Bridge Duplication.

Key personnel at Marine and Civil are managing director Kay Giles, company founder and director John Neylon, board chairman Trevor Poustie and non-executive director Michael King.