CARLTON coach Brett Ratten is confident the Gold Coast Suns will win games this year despite his team handing them a first-game thrashing.

Ratten was pleased at his team's ability to "squash the crowd" after the Blues came out blazing in the first quarter to all but end the contest.

"I was really pleased with the way we started, I think with the build-up, it is great for our club to be a part of history," he said.

"They (Gold Coast) have a lot of young kids and a lot of talent; they will be a lot better than that.

"Guy has a great group and they will bounce back, they will win games of football, there is no doubt about it.

"Brandon Matera is going to be an outstanding player and David Swallow, they will talk about him in years to come, like they talk about (Chris) Judd and (Gary) Ablett."

While most of the hype before the match was centred on the Suns, the Blues had their own celebration, with captain Judd playing his 200th game.

The Blues put a highlight package together for Judd before the game, and watching it gave Ratten an appreciation of just how good the reigning Brownlow medallist was.

"I think when it finished we all sat back and went 'wow', that is a great package of football," he said.

"I think sometimes you take for granted when players play so well, week in, week out.

"He will be in the top handful of players that have played for the Carlton Football Club."

Ratten said he thought the Blues were well placed to take on next week's opponent Collingwood, given they have won two from two.

"It is better than none from two, two from two is really good at the start of the year, every game is tough and getting the four points is crucial," he said.

"It (the game against Collingwood) will be something for us to really test ourselves."

The views in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of the AFL or its clubs