A senior commerce and finance executive, Linda became the first female to hold a position on the board of the Brisbane Lions on 28 October 2002. She filled a casual vacancy created by the retirement of long-serving director Neville Blunt and then became the first woman to be elected to the board when she was overwhelmingly endorsed by the members on 24 February, 2003. Linda started her business career with the ANZ Bank in Brisbane and enjoyed a stint in Sydney with the Bank of Tokyo before spending a number of years with Brisbane-based merchant bank Graham and Company Ltd, working in establishing their secondary mortgage market operation. Since 1990 she has held various positions with Queensland Treasury and Queensland Treasury Corporation and is now a senior member of QTC’s Treasury Services Team. She holds a Master of Commerce (Finance) Degree and also a Bachelor of Economics. Linda shares the same birthplace as triple premiership player Mal Michael, who was the first Papua New Guinea-born player to play 100 games.