The focus is always going to be on the result of the game, even in the pre-season NAB Cup, and obviously our victory on Saturday night ensured everyone saw the match as a success for Carlton. And it was, after a sluggish start to the game we were able to get back and play the way we wanted and finish the match with a hard fought victory. I am not sure but it was probably Hawthorn’s first loss at the venue. However the visit to Launceston was more than a success on the field, it was a complete success for Carlton off the field as well.

Before looking at the other successful parts of the weekend it is important to mention the venue, Aurora Stadium. The surface is fantastic and the atmosphere was excellent and the facilities for the players were also good. Add to that the welcome we received from the officials and security staff and the service at Grand Chancellor Hotel where we stayed and you will appreciate why the team felt very comfortable. The one thing that was such a welcome was the outstanding support we received from the crowd at Aurora Stadium. It is Hawthorn’s home away from home and yet Carlton supporters outnumbered Hawthorn supporters at the game. The fact that Hawthorn members had free entry to the game and Carlton members had to pay made this even more impressive from a Carlton viewpoint. Not only did our supporters outnumber their Hawk counterparts but they made so much more noise and not just after the siren but even before the game.

Adding to the success of the weekend visit to Launceston was the unbelievable crowd who stayed around after the siren to meet all the players. I couldn’t believe how many people had waited around to see us after the game and the noise when I joined a number of players who were already in the special area where we were signing autographs and having photos taken was deafening. In fact one of the Club officials had to end his phone call as he couldn’t hear, and the official was still in our change rooms next door. It was wonderful to be around the enthusiastic Carlton supporters who were enjoying a rare visit to Tasmania by the entire Carlton team as well as another positive performance. We stayed with the supporters for over 30 minutes in what was almost a repeat of family day at MC Labour Park the previous Sunday. At one stage the crowd tipped over the table where I was signing and the security had to bring in a barrier to help manage the situation.

This great feeling followed a special moment before the game when Georgia Richardson (7 years old) was our mascot and ran onto the ground with the team prior to the game. This was arranged by “Make A Wish” and Georgia was in the rooms prior to the game with her sister, Abbie who is ten, and her mum and dad. They had driven from St Helens to be at the game. Georgia was so excited to be a part of the game and the smile on her face was really special and was another reminder of the positive impact we can have in the community. She had her photo taken on the ground just prior to the game and then walked off with a Club official. The official told me after the game that Georgia was so excited and couldn’t believe how good the players were and how they looked after her on the ground. Then when she got to within 20 metres of the boundary and saw her mum and dad and big sister she ran to them to tell them all about her experience. The official said it was a really special moment and one that he will remember for a long time, especially when Georgia mum said that Georgia just told her it was the best day of her life.

A win on the ground, plenty of wins off the ground and now we are in the Semi-Final of the pre-season NAB Cup. The fortunes of the Club have certainly improved dramatically over the last few weeks since Richard Pratt became President and we all look forward to this continuing throughout 2007. Certainly Carlton supporters have show their true colours by joining as members and now we need this to continue to ensure we reach our target of 32,000 Members in 2007.

Of course Richard and his wife Jeanne have a perfect record having been with us for two games for two victories and it is great to see them in the rooms after the game providing support to the players, coaches and everyone at the Club. The positive feeling is certainly catching. Two people who are delighted Richard in our President are Denis Pagan and Shaun Grigg, both flew back to Melbourne after the game in Richard’s private jet, arriving in Melbourne before we had returned to our hotel in Launceston. What a thrill for Shaun Grigg, travels down on Saturday morning with the team as the emergency player and then gets the VIP treatment back to Melbourne so he can play in the Bullants practice match the next day. While we wont be giving Denis a hard time I can assure you the boys will be giving Shaun Grigg plenty of stick this week. All in good fun of course!Anthony Koutoufides