WE LEFT Brisbane at around 11am on Wednesday, and we got up here pretty quickly.

We didn't know what the weather was going to be like, but it's nice and humid and hot, which is a bit different from Brisbane at the moment.

After the official welcome, we just had to hang around the hotel until dinner. We went and had a massage; we usually have massages after a game, so if we'd played on Tuesday night we would have had one anyway.

Then, we had dinner and our community forum, which went really well.

The forum was a good chance to hear what other people think of us, asking questions of us. It's different going to things like that, especially when they're in other parts of Australia than you're used to.

It's interesting to find out where other places are at, especially when this place is very rugby-league based. Hopefully, we can bring AFL up here.

I think it's great that grass roots coaches were able to get feedback from us at the forum. It can only help the game up here.

I enjoy going to different places for the Community Camps, although last year we were lucky enough that we didn't have to travel anywhere; we just did two days in Brisbane in different shires.

It's a good thing to get out and promote footy. That's the main thing, and hopefully we can break into this rugby league area.

I was a rugby league player myself when I was at school, so hopefully we can get the AFL scene mixed in a bit.

I don't mind the humidity up here; I'm a Queenslander so it doesn't really faze me that much. I like the hot weather, but I'd still like to be at home with the family right now, especially with the storms on.

I'm from the north side of Brisbane, and I live out in Redcliffe near the water. It's a nice part of Queensland. I'm about an hour away from the Gabba, so I travel every day into training. But, it's the good side of town to live on.

The drive every day gives me a bit of time away from footy, and you don't feel like you're at the club 24-7.

It's good to get away with the boys too. We tried to get away a couple of weeks ago down to the Gold Coast for a bit of a training camp, but it was flooded so we were unlucky there.

A lot of us aren't around in one big group at any one particular time, so it's good to see different faces around the club.

You might do your school visits with someone you don't hang around too much at the club, so it's good from a team bonding perspective.