SYDNEY rookie Matt O’Dwyer’s living arrangements are providing the biggest inspiration for him to make the step up to the senior list. He shares house with the Swans’ star forward Barry Hall.

In an exclusive with, O’Dwyer reveals the most potent tip for success that his mentor has provided – nanna naps. Yes you read it right, nanna naps.

“We have a little nanna nap every day, or at least we try to fit one in.” O’Dwyer says.

“After training in the morning is a good time to go home for a quick nap and then come back for weights in the afternoon.”

Hall’s not just good in relation to recovery advice. According to his housemate, he’s also a culinary wizard.

“He loves to cook steak…He does most of the cooking. I cook now and then, but not very often.”

It sounds like a good arrangement for the 19-year-old midfielder but surely Hall must have some domestic flaws. Well, not according to O’Dwyer.

“He likes to keep the house clean and tidy. We try to clean it, but it’s never good enough. So he gets the cleaners in,” O’Dwyer laughs.

And as for the repercussions of O’Dwyer messing up the cleaners’ good work, surely this would stir the famous angst of the player known as ‘Big Bad Bustling.’

“He doesn’t get angry, he just tidies up,” laughs O’Dwyer.

Aside from the domestic training, the young rookie is learning so much more from his mentor and housemate. In fact, he’s quite an inspiration for the teenager.

“I remember watching him play AFL when I was growing up, and now to be living with someone you’ve looked up to your whole life is pretty amazing…He’s taught me to prepare well and do everything right. Because that’s what you have to do to get there. “He’s gone through it all before, now it’s my turn.”

Originally from Melbourne, O’Dwyer, who made his debut for the Swans in their NAB Cup Opener against Hawthorn, is enjoying life in the Harbour City and states a better quality of “beaches and girls” as the main positives from his move interstate. Mind you, he hasn’t had much time to enjoy either lately, as he’s dedicated extra time to improving his kicking skills.

“I’m working on my kicking and it’s improved a lot I think. Last year I struggled with it. “I’ve spoken to the coaches about my kicking and they’ve adjusted it so I can get it right. They’ve changed my ball drop, that’s the main difference.”

The extra work is paying off. Paul Roos has praised his performance pre-season challenge games but for O’Dwyer the highlight has undoubtedly been his debut in Launceston.

“It was an amazing experience to get to play alongside Jude (Bolton) and Amon (Buchanan). But also to run around with the opposition blokes like Luke Hodge and Buddy Franklin. Normally I’m pretty nervous, even before reserves games I’d have butterflies, but I wasn’t nervous at all for this one.”

There is one question that renders this young Swan speechless. That’s what it would mean for him to be elevated to the senior list and solidify his position at the club. This line of enquiry is followed by much silence and then one solitary word. “Awesome”.