COLLINGWOOD coach Mick Malthouse says Terry Wallace’s suggestion of an additional two “emergency” players could create a more even playing field by allowing teams to compete at their optimum.

The Richmond coach proposed an emergency-type system permitting two extra reserve players to be brought onto the field to replace those that are injured during a match.

Malthouse supported the idea, and even went further, suggesting an interchange bench of eight players.

“We have a pre-season competition where there’s eight people on the bench, and we cut that down to four when we get into the main season with more (match) time, far more at stake,” Malthouse said at a Tuesday press conference.

“Perhaps the simple answer is to increase the bench size by an additional two, or four.

“Terry’s point, from what I’m hearing here, is that you want an even playing field, and that’s so correct.

“Members pay a lot of money out of their kick to see their side perform at their optimum, and there’s times when it can’t because of circumstances, a key injury."

Malthouse said the evolution of the game called for more interchanges and increasing the number of emergency players would prevent sides from being totally disadvantaged through losing players to injury.

“Many years ago I recommended that there should be four changes. When it got to four, I recommended six – only because the game’s advanced at such a level,” he said.

“I don’t know of any team sport that has a ratio that we’ve got [of] players on the bench compared to playing.

“Basketball’s got five or thereabouts. Soccer’s 11:3. Rugby union, gridiron certainly. So we’re probably the only ones that have got such a very low ratio compared to the playing field.”

He said the loss of Tyson Goldsack to a broken nose on Friday night did not contribute to Collingwood’s loss to the Lions in Brisbane, citing that the opposition had lost Josh Drummond to injury (torn quad).

Collingwood won't know until Thursday whether Goldsack will be fit to play against Richmond in this Sunday’s rivalry round. Travis Cloke, who rolled an ankle, would also be confirmed at Thursday’s team selection.