Community Begins with ‘C’ … And ME!

We - the Kirks - flew back to Albury to celebrate ANZAC Day this year. It’s the first time since we have been in Sydney that the AFL draw has enabled Brett to return home for the special day. I am sure the universe sorted it this way for a reason as sadly Brett’s beautiful and brave Nan Moras passed away on the Tuesday before, so it was wonderful that Brett could be home to support not only his Mum but also his beloved Pop too.

I really love ANZAC Day. It has a warm feeling about it. Pop describes it as the greatest day of the year. While I don’t want to glamorise war - how futile it is beyond words - I do want to highlight the fabulous way the community comes together and takes time to reflect, remember and honour the brave men and women who have fought and continue to fight to protect our fortunate lives here in Australia! Albury put on a good show. An old-time fighter plane roared and tumbled in the skies above as Indhi proudly marched alongside Pop down Albury’s main street. Then it was off to the Commercial for lemonade and free meat pies. The buzz from the streets filtered in through the club’s doors and continued into the afternoon. No wonder Pop says it is the greatest of days.

Sometimes you forget about that feeling of community when you live in Sydney. Please don’t think this is a generalisation, just an observation from some country people who now are city people. Smiles seem endangered, hi’s and hello’s are vulnerable, left hanging in the air and blank faces race off in a stressed frenzy. Coming back from the community experience in Albury I put my hand up and say I am guilty of getting caught up in the rat-race too!

Enter stage left - Saturday morning Auskick.

While I was dreading the ridiculous requirement of getting four children out the door by 7.30am (I’m still struggling to beat the school bell and that’s at 8.55am!), we did it, and the whole family had a great time watching the Maroubra Saints under-6s play the East Sydney Bulldogs. What a fabulous concept the AFL have got going. Not only does Auskick get kids playing Aussie Rules but it also brings people together. I have quickly learned Auskick equals community and I LOVE IT! The parent volunteers who run the show are just amazing and it is so nice to be able to walk around the fields and say hi to the Barrys, the Longmires and the Bradshaws and then there are the new families we have met at The Saints and some old friends from touch football and even some extended-extended family.

Community does start with ‘C’ but it also starts with me. So I vow to persevere with saying hello to strangers on the path and holding the door for the person behind me… and not taking part in the rat-race. Que sera sera, my red and white friends.

Hayley Kirk  