As the Hawks extend their record to 4-0, it is becoming increasingly evident just how improved the players’ disposal has been compared to previous years.

Sunday illustrated just how damaging Backmen Brent Guerra (38 posessions) and Grant Birchall (26 touches, 96% disposal effectiveness) can be when allowed space. Both possess impressive vision, quality decision-making and superb foot skills.

At both stoppages and in general play, the Hawthorn midfield is becoming one of the best going around. Be it the quick hands, precious clearances by foot, or spotting up a leading forward – the Hawks midfield is one of the best in the competition.

While sometimes off-target, the Hawk forward-line contains some outstanding talents in front of goal. Hawk fans can only look forward to the day when Lance Franklin, Mark Williams and Jarryd Roughead are all fit and firing at once.

Which player has the best disposal for the Hawks?

Who has most improved their disposal this season?

Who is the best goal kicker from a set-shot?

Share your thoughts with other Hawks fans below.