(With apologies to Dr Seuss – and remember facts are as disposable as nappies)


‘All was as it should be in the dark blue tapestry

We call the Lygon Street Late’ university,’

Said a proud Dan-I-am to the son of Dan-he-is

After the siren finally wailed and finally blew

And in his navy blue heart of beating hearts

Dan-I-am knew it was terrifically, joyfully true

with hearts bigger than Pa’s lap his beloved

Blues-True-Blue had defeated the Doggie-do-do.


No one foresaw the marvellous outcome

Many never bothered not even to come.

It does not behove that they stayed away in droves,

They stayed safe in their cosy little homes -

From Richmond to Cranbourne and Glenverbie

From St. Kilda to Sunshine and Whittlesea

The doubters hid under beds after six on the trot

Too much losing sets in a terrible, quivering rot

And many who usually come in horror, in shame, did not.


It began, as was their wont

with Carlton starting in front

Santa with fighting fists delivered early

And Fev, though surly, managed to kick truly.

Carrots was busy, Marc goaled,

With Wiggo and Banno firing

the outcome was not pre-sold.


But in his heart, where all is navy blue

Dan-I-am knew the winning shoe

Would soon be on the Doggie-do-do

And so it came to pass with Cooney

and Westy, Johnno, Gilbee and others also

By half-time the Blues-True-Blue

Were deep in doggie-do-do doo-doo.


No one thought it could go on

No one believed the Blues-True-Blue

Could upset the apples in the cart

And finish the good job they did start

Certainly not sadder by the moment Dan-I-am

No one, not a child, woman or Carlton man.


Oh what a lark, what a twitter, then to see

The Blues-True-Blue continue to run free

Led by Tex and Gibbs and Murphy

With Fisher taking marks easy as pie

And Carrots with so much leather poisoning

Dan-I-Am thought he would certainly die.


Oh what joy, what glee, what fiddley-dee

To see the Blues-True-Blue sting like Ali!

We were in flight, we were the bee

Applying a lesson to the nose of the Doggie,

The ‘Baggers danced, the ‘Baggers pranced

Dan-I-am sang loudly, his voice enhanced

By the glorious glory of Vic Vic Victory!


Dan-I-am turned to his boy

Said in a voice joyer than joy

‘Now do you see son of Dan-I-am

Now do you see that wham, that bam?’


And Dan-I-am and his smiling son

Did a jiggedy-jig from the ground

With a thousand and one scarf waving,

Happier than happy, Carlton fans.


So this week we play the Power

And many expect things to turn sour

They wait for the Blues-True-Blue to falter

To fail in the ‘commeth the man commeth the hour’

But hark not says Dan-I-am, hark not

To the men with the stinky microphone 

Or those newspapers that wail and moan

The Bluebaggers will again this week win

As surely as out is far out and in is way in.


‘Go Blues’ says prouder than punch Dan-I-am

Who in truth is that ghostly, ghost man

‘Stay true,’ he implores to the masses,

‘To this young side, all you lads, all you lasses

We’ve seen the horror of horrors

We’ve slid down the razor sharp slide

And now from the darkness of the bottom we see

The only way for Blues-True-Blue is up, up and free

This week we’ll short-circuit Ports wizardry

with a nine goal to nil in quarter number three!


Go Blues

see all you cats in your navy blue scarves and hats

at the game of games, the only show in town!




ps – How good is the Ghost who picked Gibbsy’s RSN!

(and we’ll not mention that 8 by Fev thank you very much!)