Watch Heath Shaw discuss his 2010 goals with Paul Licuria in Arizona

Heath Shaw has attracted his fair share of headlines during his six years with Collingwood, both for on and off-field exploits, but Heath Shaw the leader?

Shaw is known for being the son of a former Magpie captain and for being a dashing half back flanker, perhaps one of the best in the league, but he is not necessarily known for being a future captain.

But it quickly becomes obvious to anyone who watches Collingwood matches or training closely that Shaw possesses definite leadership qualities.

Shaw, who enjoyed a stellar second half of the 2009 season and finished third in the Copeland Trophy, sets a fine on-field example through his voice and direction. He admits that being part of the club’s leadership group is something that has crossed his mind.

“With the leadership group, it’s something I’ve thought about,” Shaw told CTV in Arizona.

“Whether it happens or it doesn’t, I’m not really going to change the way I go about things.

“But if the playing group wishes me into the leadership group, I’d be more than happy to join it. If not, I’ll just continue on the ways that I’m going, and hopefully I can help the team out.”

The 2009 leadership group comprised captain Nick Maxwell, vice-captains Scott Pendlebury and Josh Fraser, deputy vice-captains Shane O’Bree and Dane Swan and Tarkyn Lockyer, who didn’t have a title.

Shaw, who turned 24 last week, the first week of the Magpie’s fortnight-long high altitude training camp in Arizona, understands the importance of communication.    

“There are many forms of leadership,” he explained.

“When I get out on the ground and on the training track, I think communication is very important, so I’m very loud and I like to direct players.

“I hope it helps them out and it definitely helps me out when I’m communicating with them.

“For me that’s just sort of natural, and I do that every training session and every game.”

There are many quality leaders in contention for the club’s 2010 leadership group, which is yet to be finalised, and Shaw may just be one of them.