Exercise Safety


This month 1Seven is focusing on exercise safety. There's no doubt about it: exercise is great for kids, but it needs to be done in a safe and appropriate way to prevent injuries to growing bodies.  Find out how much exercise is enough and whether extra hours of P.E. at school really do result in more active kids. We also look at the benefits of weight lifting for children and what happens to kids when competitive sport becomes too much of a good thing.


Lesson: Week 2, Middle Primary Years 3 & 4 – Feeling the Effects!

Students will perform physical activities at varying intensities to feel the effects on their heart rate, breathing and any other changes to their body, including sweating and increases in body temperature.

Schools Of Thought Differ On Exercise

Do extra hours of physical education in school necessarily result in more active children? Scientists have uncovered some surprising results.[CLICK HERE]


How Hard Do I Have To Exercise?

How hard do you need to exercise to get the best results for your body? [CLICK HERE]


Should Children Lift Weights?

Once shunned by coaches and doctors as unsafe for children, weight training is now recommended for people of all ages.[CLICK HERE]

Excess Sport a Strain

Child health experts have warned that children taking part in competitive sports are at risk of burnout and overuse injuries.[CLICK HERE]

Sports Kit Winners

We are pleased to announce that the following schools are the state/territory winners of the sports kit for the month of March. These sports kits will either be presented by a Game Development staff member and where possible with an elite player from one of the sports or be couriered direct to the school.

Congratulations to the following schools:


We hope that 1Seven will assist and stimulate discussion, thought and action in schools, communities and homes. We welcome your feedback and please feel free to email your thoughts, comments and suggestions to: 1Seven@afl.com.au

Kind regards,
1Seven program – AFL and Netball Australia